Annual Picnic 2023

Our annual picnic feeding frenzy took place on September 9 at Grave’s Island. The club provided sodas, water, and cold cuts, and the members added all manner of salads, cookies, cakes and other embellishments. Thank you to all those who helped to organize this event, and to all those who helped feed the ravening hordes! No one went away hungry.

Ryan Hall Visit 2023

August 22 proved to be a beautiful, if rather warm, evening for a visit to the Ryan Hall Retirement Home in Bridgewater. About 20 cars left DQ at 6pm and, as far as we can tell, all of them made it! A few stragglers added to our numbers in the next half-hour or so.

After a drive-by procession past the main entrance, the residents looked over the cars and picked their favourites – so many great rides to choose from! Some excellent snacks and a much-appreciated tub of ice-cold sodas were laid on for the benefit of all present.