Originally scheduled for June 15 bad weather forced us to make use of our “rain day” on Sunday the 16th. Fortunately the weather was greatly improved by then and over 1100 people came to the show. We split the entrance fee income with the Family Resource Centre who took care of seeing people through the gate, where there was also a donation bin for the Red Cross which received generous contributions.

There were lots of beautiful and interesting cars on show as well as a couple of bikes, a few big rig tractors, and some fire trucks. The police also showed up, but only to show off their SUV 🙂

Tickets were drawn for 19 bags (in lieu of buckets) of assorted stuff and for a 50/50 split. $50 prizes were handed out for various vehicles, and several trophies were awarded.

This being a family show, there were prizes (actual buckets!) for the kids, the Lion’s Club wagon train, Shriners balloon bending, face painting, and (of course) food.

Last, but by no means least, we want to thank all our very generous sponsors and volunteers. These events take considerable time, energy, and money to make them happen. We hope to see everyone again next year!